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Accra Majestics present donations to Firm Foundation Rugby Academy

Ghana rugby league side, Accra Majestics Rugby League Club (RLC), yesterday 31st October 2021 presented a donation of kids rugby league kits to partners Firm Foundation Rugby League Academy.

The presentation to Firm Foundation was only made possible through the help of Joshua William Skidmore-Hornby, Norwegian Rugby League side Nannestad Norsemen and Nannestad Videregående Skole (High-School)  who worked with Accra Majestics by donating a number of their matchday and training kits.

In a letter addressed to the club, Joshua William Skidmore-Hornby who is also Head Coach of Norway’s junior national rugby league team revealed that the kits were paid for in full by the Nannestad Videregående Skole (High-School) whose Headmistress, Kersti Kelder, was delighted to donate the kits to Majestics and Firm Foundation.

“The kit was paid for in full by Nannestad Videregående Skole (High-School) and was part of a project to start Norway’s first-ever school team. Headmistress of the school, Kersti Kelder, was more than happy for it [the kits] to be donated to the youngsters connected to your club.”

“We are extending our hand in friendship and looking forward to hopefully building a relationship in the future. We hope that this small donation goes a little way towards making this great game of ours a little more enjoyable for some of your youth players.” Joshua further stated.

Mr Skidmore-Hornby also spoke about his dream to play against some of the various rugby league clubs in Ghana having been impressed by the progress being made in the country.

“I have been in touch with Maa Abena [Rachel Ankomah of Accra Majestics] and massively impressed to hear about the progress being made in Ghana. We are doing our best to grow the game in Norway and dream of a trip to play against some of your clubs in the future.”

CEO of Firm Foundation Rugby League Academy, Seeba Ali Mohammed, received the donation and thanked Joshua William Skidmore-Hornby, Nannestad Norsemen and Accra Majestics for the support they have given the club saying

“First of all, I’d like to thank Accra Majestics for a great partnership and the fruits they are bearing for us and I  would like to thank Ms Rachel the CEO of Accra Majestics [and her team] because without her we wouldn’t have gotten these jerseys from Mr Joshua Williams of Norsemen, so I’d like to thank her and everyone involved in this good work.”

Also speaking at the presentation was the captain of Firm Foundation, Sherif Arimiyaw, who stated that the kits could be the morale boost the team needs to win the 2022 National Junior Rugby League Championships.

“I believe that having these new kits will help us to work hard so that we can win our championship next year. I want to say a very big thank you to Norsemen Rugby League Club, Mr Joshua William and Accra Majestics for the donation.”

CEO of Accra Majestics, Rachel Ankomah, revealed that the donation came to be when the club launched its ‘Kids Play Rugby League Too’ initiative in Ashaiman last month as the club looked to promote the sport to a younger generation.

“This became a reality when we launched our campaign for the children ‘Kids Play Rugby League Too.’ I shared it on one of the international rugby league pages and then Mr Joshua William Skidmore-Hornby commented and told us that he has some kits for children so anyone interested should kindly contact him and so, I relayed our interest and this is what came out of it.”

Although Rachel didn’t go into details as to what the future holds between either Accra Majestics or Firm Foundation and the various donators, she relayed her desire to take the clubs’ relationship to the next level.

“Well, I can’t say much on it but what I can say is that we are hoping and planning to take our relationship to the next level.”

Back in September 2021, Accra Majestics and Firm Foundation Rugby League Academy entered into a partnership which sees the latter act as sort of a feeder club for Majestics; immediately promoting any players over the age of eighteen (18) to the rugby league side who in turn, will aid in the development of Firm Foundation, and according to Accra Majestics’ CEO, Rachel Ankomah, the donation of the kits are just a taste of what is to come.

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